Matt Conlon
Matt was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and currently lives in nearby Rogers Park. He attended California Institute of the Arts (BFA ‘82), and Loyola-Marymount University (MA ‘85) - the latter on Full Scholarship.
His art, he hopes, reflects his love of color, which Matt inherited from his grandfather, Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, who invented Technicolor, and was their President for many years.
Matt firmly believes both color and music evoke emotion. His favorite types of art are Impressionist, such as Monet and Renoir, and Abstract, like Rothko and Klee. He thinks you’ll see some of that in his work. But Matt loves to draw all sorts of things, and hopes to move you.
He has spent much of his life (55 of 62 years) doing Theatre, be it acting ,or front or back of house, Matt’s first acting teacher was Stella Adler, whose conservatory in L.A. was right across the street from his elementary school. His mom used to say “Before daycare, there was Stella Adler.” He continued acting and modeling all through school.. Then in December,1985 Matt moved to Chicago, where he was sure John Hughes would be interested in his talents. Matt was wrong. He landed a great agent, Shirley Hamilton, but couldn’t get in John Hughes’ door.
Nevertheless, Matt stayed in Chicago, and worked with many of the theaters here. Several years ago Blick Art Supply in Evanston hired him, which allowed Matt more time to draw. In fact, Matt became the Blick marker, pen and pencil guy, doing demos and workshops until the pandemic hit.
Matt LOVES to draw. “It’s incredibly therapeutic,” he often says. And folks seem to like it. Matt hopes you like it, too!